Daily 5 prayers are obligatory on us. There are several Rakats in these prayers. Maybe many of us don’t know exactly how many rak’ahs there are in daily prayers.
Therefore, an essential part of every believer’s faith is to offer prayers and acquire sufficient knowledge about prayers. But the sad thing is that many Muslims do not pray and do not know about prayer.
If you are interested in knowing about the 5 daily prayers and come to this website with that purpose, then there is good news for you, you can get details about the number of Rakats of the 5 daily prayers and Farj Sunnah-Nafal from this website.
5 Daily obligatory prayers Rakats
The number of Rakats of daily 5 prayers we have given below as prayers per time.
Fajr prayer: Fajr prayer is two rakat. Its time is from after Sadek in the morning until sunrise. (Muslim, Hadith: 1456, 966)
Dhuhr prayer: four Rakat of dhuhr. Its time begins after the sun descends from the midheaven. Dhuhr time exists until the shadow of each object doubles. That is, the time of Dhuhr ends after the shadow doubles. (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 717, 506, Muslim, Hadith: 969)
However, according to another school of thought, when the shadow of the object is equal to it, the time of dhuhr ends. So it is better to perform the Dhuhr prayer before that.
Asr prayer: Asr prayer is four rakat. It’s time from the end of Dhuhr time to sunset. (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 717, 545)
Maghrib prayer: Maghrib prayer is three Rakat. Its time is after sunset till the departure of red light from the sky. (Muslim, Hadith: 969, Dara Qutni, Hadith: 1066)
Isha prayer: Isha prayer four rakat. Its time is from the departure of the red of the sky until Subhe Sadek. (Muslim, Hadith: 969, Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 508, 538, 969)
Name | The time | Mandatory |
Fajr (فجر) | Dawn to sunrise | 2 Rakat |
Dhuhr (ظهر) | Right from noon until the evening | 4 Rakat |
Asr (عصر) | From the last time of Dhuhr, until the sun is yellow in the east, in other words, it is in the east of the sunset | 4 Rakat |
Maghrib (مغرب) | From sunset to dusk | 3 Rakat |
Isha (عشاء) | From dusk to midnight | 4 rakat |
The number of rakats of 5 daily prayers
Every day a Muslim has to pray 5 times. The first time is the Fajr prayer which lasts from dawn to sunrise.
Then Dhuhr Waqt” extends from noon to Asr Waqt. The third Waqt is Asr Waqt which is recited till sunset.
The fourth time is Maghrib time which starts just after sunset and its duration is about 30-45 minutes. “Isha Waqt” begins approximately 1 hour 30 minutes after Maghrib Waqt and lasts until approximately “Fajr Waqt”.
In addition to the above 5 obligatory prayers, performing the Witr prayer after Isha prayer is wajib according to Hanafi scholars, and Sunnah according to Salafi scholars. In addition, there are several other Sunnah prayers and prayers performed by Muslims.
How many Rakat Sunnah in 5 times prayer?
12 Rakats of sunnah prayers before and after the daily obligatory prayers. They are-
- Four Rakat before dhuhr.
- After two Rakats.
- Two Rakat after Maghrib.
- Two rakats after Isha. Two Rakat before Fajr.
- Apart from this, it is also Sunnah to perform the Taraweeh prayer in the month of Ramadan.
In a hadith about this, Umm Habiba (R.A.) said, Rasul (S.A.W.) said, “A house will be built in Paradise for a person who prays 12 Rakats day and night. Four Rakats before Dhuhr. After two Rakats. Two Rakat after Maghrib. Two rakats after Isha. Two Rakat before Fajr.’ (Tirmidhi, Hadith: 6362)
Provision of daily Sunnah Rakats
It is a sin to leave these Sunnahs regularly without any reason, but you can leave them suddenly for functional needs. A person who abandons such a Sunnah without reason will be rebuked, but will not be called a Fasiq or Kafir. (At-Taarifatul Fiqhiyah: 328, Al-Mujiz fi Usulil Fiqh: 439-40). Muakkadah in Sunnah is similar to Wajib.
In other words, just as one has to be accountable for what is obligatory, one has to be accountable for the Sunnah Muaqqada. However, there is a definite punishment for leaving the wajib, and leaving the sunnah Muakkadah can sometimes be forgiven. But can also get punishment.
The importance of performing Sunnah prayers before and after obligatory prayers is immense. So it should be given importance. In the hadith, they are said to be the means of going to paradise.
Daily Nafal Rakats
The exact number of nafal Rakats with the five daily prayers is not fixed. You can pray Nafal as many Rakats as you wish.
Generally, after the Zuhr prayer two Rakats of Sunnah Muakkadah can be performed followed by two Rakats two Rakats then four Rakats Nafal prayer can be performed.
In this way, after the Maghrib obligatory prayer, two Rakats of Sunnah have been Muakkadah, and then two Rakats can be followed by eight Rakats of Nafal prayer. After performing two Rakats of Sunnah Muakkadah after Isha prayer, several Rakats of nafal prayer can be offered.
But especially you have to remember that Nafal Rakat cannot be read after Fajr and Asr obligatory prayers. Because praying at this time is haram and Makruh.
After performing the obligatory two Rakats of Fajr, one has to wait until sunrise. You can usually recite Tasbih and Sukra good morning prayers. Then when the sun has fully risen, you can offer Duha prayers.
What are Rakats in Islamic prayer?
Rakats refer to the units of prayer performed in Islamic worship. They involve a sequence of physical movements and recitations, forming the core of each prayer.
How many Rakats are there in each of the 5 daily prayers?
The number of Rakats varies for each prayer:
- Fajr (Dawn): 2 Rakats
- Dhuhr (Noon): 4 Rakats
- Asr (Afternoon): 4 Rakats
- Maghrib (Evening): 3 Rakats
- Isha (Night): 4 Rakats
What do Rakats consist of?
Each Rakat involves a sequence of standing, bowing, prostrating, and sitting, along with recitations of Quranic verses and supplications.
Is there any significance to the number of Rakats?
Yes, the number of Rakats in each prayer is prescribed by Islamic teachings and traditions. It is believed to have been revealed by Allah to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through the Quran and Hadith.
Can Rakats be performed at any time of the day?
No, Rakats are specific to the five daily prayers, each to be performed at its appointed time. However, additional voluntary prayers (Sunan) can be performed at other times of the day.
Are there any exceptions to the number of Rakats due to circumstances?
In certain situations, such as during travel or illness, the number of Rakats may be shortened or combined according to Islamic jurisprudence. However, this should be done with proper understanding and adherence to Islamic guidelines.
Is there a specific order to perform Rakats within each prayer?
Yes, each prayer follows a specific sequence of Rakats, movements, and recitations. Deviating from this order may invalidate the prayer, so it’s important to adhere to the prescribed method.
Can women perform Rakats during menstruation?
According to Islamic teachings, women are excused from performing prayers during menstruation. They are encouraged to make up missed prayers after their menstrual cycle ends.