
Tahajjud dua not answered

Tahajjud dua not answered | Reason and best way for solution

Shah Muhammad Suhail

Tahajjud is not just a prayer; It is a invitation from allah and a direct means of communication with Allah. ...

Dua for forgiveness of Zina

Dua for forgiveness of Zina | Steps to Repentance | Guidance

Shah Muhammad Suhail

Before knowing Dua for forgiveness of zina you should know what is the punishment of Zina. Of all the sins ...

tahajjud an invitation from Allah

Is Tahajjud an invitation from Allah? Answering Allah’s Call at Night

Shah Muhammad Suhail

Five times prayer is the identity of the believer. Its importance is immense. After this, the most beloved prayer to ...

Can you pray Isha after 12 am

Can you pray Isha after 12 am? Correct answer and conclusion

Shah Muhammad Suhail

Many people say that Isha prayer time is till 12 am. What is it really? Can you pray Isha after ...

Praying while lying in bed Catholic

Praying while lying in bed Catholic | Know the 7 benefits

Shah Muhammad Suhail

In the tranquillity of the night, when the world settles into silence and the mind seeks solace, lies a profound ...

A woman that prays for you

A woman that prays for you | To Love | Strength and Faith

Shah Muhammad Suhail

In the depths of life’s challenges and triumphs, there exists a powerful force that transcends the tangible and touches the ...

When a guy asks you to pray for him

When a guy asks you to pray for him | What you do? How to do?

Shah Muhammad Suhail

In a world marked by diverse beliefs and ideologies, the act of praying for someone transcends cultural, religious, and linguistic ...


Can you pray after Hijama? Spiritual and Physical Connection

Shah Muhammad Suhail

Hijama is called the method of treatment shown by the Prophet. Rasulullah (SAW) informed the Ummah about the benefits of ...

How can we pray for you

How can we pray for you? A PFhowerful Act of Compassion

Shah Muhammad Suhail

Prayer is a universal practice found in various forms across cultures and religions. It is a deeply personal act of ...

Is Allah Jesus Christ

Is Allah Jesus Christ? Knows the Secret Truth with Evidence

Shah Muhammad Suhail

No, Jesus Christ is not Allah Or Allah is not Jesus Christ. They are two separate entities. Allah is the ...