Dhuhr prayer

Dua Noor

Dua Noor | Arabic | Translation | full Image and its secret benefits

Shah Muhammad Suhail

In our daily lives, we say many kinds of prayers. Each duo has a unique feature. As can be said ...

Benefits of prayer in Islam

Benefits of prayer in Islam | Physical, mental and afterlife

Shah Muhammad Suhail

In Islam, The benefits of praying five times a day are not only in the hereafter but also in this ...

Benefits of Duha prayer

30 Benefits of Duha prayer | Rewards | Productivity and Success

Shah Muhammad Suhail

Prayer is part of a believer’s life. We perform some prayers as a reward outside of the obligation. Such as ...

Can you make Dua in Sujood

Can you make Dua in Sujood? Yes and No | Opinions of scholars

Shah Muhammad Suhail

Sujood is the best state of dua acceptance. So we want to pray in Sujood. Supplication in Sujood is prescribed ...

Benefits of Durood Sharif

Benefits of Durood Sharif | 30 plus | Guidance | Hadith and Opinion

Shah Muhammad Suhail

Thanks to Rasulullah (PBUH), we could be initiated into Islam. His grace upon us is innumerable. We can’t claim this ...

Which Surah to recite after each prayer

Which Surah to recite after each prayer? Rewards and benefits

Shah Muhammad Suhail

The Holy Qur’an is the complete guide of life. Even if you read this great book revealed to the last ...

Can you pray with nail polish on

Can you pray with nail polish on? Wudu | prayer | recitation | sanctity

Shah Muhammad Suhail

Many Muslim women use nail polish as part of their makeup. Since nail polish is on girls’ fingernails, the question ...

How many sunnah prayers are there

How many sunnah prayers are there? Calculations | Benefits and details

Shah Muhammad Suhail

Our daily prayers outside of Fard are known as Sunnah prayers. That’s why you want to know – how many ...

What are the sunnah prayers

What are the sunnah prayers? Know the benefits and importance

Shah Muhammad Suhail

There are several types of prayer in Islam. Fard, Wajib and Sunnah prayers. You have come to my website; what ...